Yep, Another Amateur Radio WebSite.

There are lots of Ham (Amateur Radio) sites on the Web to find information on, and yes that is what this site will be primarily for, but ... there will be lots of other information available to those of you who have other interests. As soon as I can get time, I will create a page with a short bio so that you might see where I am coming from, my perspective if you will, and yes, it may be quite different from yours. Never the less, I am sure you will find something of interest as time goes.

K5QOI News


News Item One

April 23, 2016

NVIS Antenna Day - Plans being formulated to setup at Herman Baker Park Sherman, TX


News Item Two

Have an interest in supporting the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, consider joining

  Topic One

Ham Radio Antennas

  Topic Two

Astonomy and Telescopes

© 2016 K5QOI Jim McGlynn


Let's Communicate

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